About Us

Hi, we are the Aarsen's, thanks for checking out Apogee Ames. We never saw ourselves as system buckers, but each year we stepped further and further away from most societal norms including education, health and souvernighty. When we discovered Apogee Strong it aligned with the type of lifestyle and learning that we have envisioned for our three sons. We went all in with this amazing organization and will be launching our campus in the fall of 2025. We are excited to bring like minded families along with us on this journey. Its going to be a great ride!

What we offer

Full Time

Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Child 1 - $5175 or $575 / month (9 months)

Child 2 - $4500 or $500/month (9 months)

Child 3+ - $3825 or $425/month (9 months)

Part Time (must choose 1 time slot)

Monday - Thursday

9:00am - 12:00pm or 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Child 1 - $3375 or $375/month (9 months)

Child 2 - $2925 or $325/month (9 months)

Child 3+ $2475 or $275/month (9 months)

Enrichment Fridays 9:00am - 12:00pm

Price based on mentor/vendor

Apogee Anywhere - TBD

Pathfinders - ages 6 - 8

These learners will get a combination of montessori style with some core academics. Life skills, hands on learning, curiosity led learning and outside as much as possible.

Trailblazers - ages 9 - 12

These learners will complete self paced academics, learn communication through socratic discussions, do the majority of their hands on learning through fun projects and work on mental and physical health with tons of fitness and outdoor activities daily.

Way-makers - 13 - 18

These ages will be added as we grow.

Full time - this option will check off all the buckets from core academia, project based learning, fitness, nutrition, socratic conversations, passion projects tons of hands on learning and more.

Part time - you can select which part of the day is best for your learner. Morning will include core academics, fitness, time in nature, life skills and socratic conversations. Afternoons will included project based learning, hands on learning, passion projects, time in nature and fitness.

Enrichment Fridays will focus on exposure to life skills & hands on real world activities / careers to help participants discover more about themselves.

Apogee Anywhere is a bridge program that allows homeschool families the support and community yet still doing most of their education at home. More details to come.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-

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